UAV::Pilot v0.3 Released
Version 0.3 of UAV::Pilot has been released on CPAN. The major change in this version is an improved event loop based on AnyEvent.
AnyEvent is a very nice framework overall, but unfortunately doesn’t have quite the right syntax for UAV::Pilot’s purposes. Consider this plain-English description of a UAV flight:
Takeoff, wait 5 seconds, then pitch forward for 2 seconds, then pitch backwards for 2 seconds, then land
In AnyEvent’s standard interface, things would work out something like this:
my $timer; $timer = AnyEvent->timer(
after => 5,
cb => sub {
$uav->pitch( -1.0 );
my $timer2; $timer2 = AnyEvent->timer(
after => 2,
cb => sub {
$uav->pitch( 1.0 );
my $timer3; $timer3 = AnyEvent->timer(
after => 2,
cb => sub {
All that indentation gets hairy. So I created an interface on top of AnyEvent, UAV::Pilot::EasyEvent, which is based on the Node.js event interface used by NodeCopter. Here’s how you’d write the same problem using EasyEvent:
my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
my $event = UAV::Pilot::EasyEvent->new({
condvar => $cv,
duration => 2000,
duration_units => $event->UNITS_MILLISECOND,
cb => sub { $uav->pitch( -1.0 ) },
duration => 2000,
duration_units => $event->UNITS_MILLISECOND,
cb => sub { $uav->pitch( 1.0 ) },
duration => 2000,
duration_units => $event->UNITS_MILLISECOND,
cb => sub {
Much better.
As an added bonus, having a good event interface means we can also support controlling UAVs through SDL joysticks. See bin/uav_joysticks in the distribution for details.