Delving the depths of computing,
hoping not to get eaten by a wumpus

By Timm Murray

Musings on Hackable UAVs


Programming the AR.Drone has been a mostly fun challenge, and occasionally a frustrating challenge. The nav data is particularly under-documented, and UAV::Pilot still suffers from a few video parsing issues, probably because the documentation doesn’t fully explain the PaVE headers. But I pushed through them, figured it all out, and now there’s a release that I would consider close to feature-complete.

I never intended to stop with just the AR.Drone. It was a cheap way to get started–cost about $300 rather than $500-700 for a some other types–but it’s ultimately a toy. I don’t have a problem with big-boy toys; in fact, I own quite a few of them. But it’s a bit limited.

More “serious” UAV platforms, such as Ardupilot, often use some kind of mission planner software that allows you to put in a path of GPS coordinates and do something at the waypoints (like take pictures). With a GPS attachment and the right software, this is technically possible with the AR.Drone, but not out of the box.

The AR.Drone also has decent but somewhat limited hacking potential. If you’re willing to void your warranty, you can set on-board scripts to connect to AP-mode WiFi, add cheaper high-capacity batteries, or use the USB port to run attached devices. But it’s ultimately a closed platform with all the limitations that implies.

I find some of the other autopilots out there just as frustrating, for a somewhat opposite reason. They allow you to do anything, but their starting point is more sophisticated and need some work to dial them back down. The Ardupilot hardware, for instance, needs a compass, GPS, barometer, and some other assorted electronics. Not all this stuff is necessary for all uses. If you’re flying lower than 20-50 feet or so, the barometer isn’t much use and is too inexact. An ultrasonic range finder would be better for that case.

It’s all FOSS, so I’m sure you can get it all to work one way or another, but it isn’t designed for it.

By way of analogy, for years before the iPad, Microsoft had tried pushing tablets by taking their desktop OS and scaling it down to a tablet. They were largely ignored. What Apple (and later, Google) showed was that the correct strategy was to take a smartphone OS and scale it up.

That’s similar to the strategy I’d like to try with UAVs. If you want a toy UAV like the AR.Drone, you should be able to put it together cheaply without a GPS or barometer or anything. But if you want to get more serious, you should be able to add all that stuff without much trouble.

The platform should allow you to alter every aspect of the design, allowing the frame to be fully 3D-printable. Some printable UAV designs are already out there, such as the PL1Q Vampire, though often under a non-commercial license, which doesn’t meet widely accepted definitions of FOSS.

My goal is to build a UAV platform with the following requirements:

I respect the work that’s already gone into projects like Ardupilot, but they don’t seem well suited for toy UAVs. And there’s nothing particularly wrong with toy UAVs; they are bound to have some rather un-toy-like uses, and even if not, there’s nothing wrong with a few toys. This looks like an open niche among the FOSS autopilots, which I intend to fill.

Copyright © 2024 Timm Murray

Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.