Delving the depths of computing,
hoping not to get eaten by a wumpus

By Timm Murray

Keep WiFi Alive on Raspberry Pi


So solving my connection problems to a Pi by turning off power savings didn’t work. I’m now using a crude but effective method where the Pi pings the gateway every 2 minutes.

Start by adding this script to /etc/



while :
    ping -c 1 ${PING_HOST} > /dev/null

This script works in an infinite loop, sending a single ping every 120 seconds. Call chmod 755 /etc/ to make it executable. Next, call it from /etc/rc.local:

/etc/ &

Which will run the script on the next reboot. Call /etc/ & in a shell to start it running, and you’re done.

So far, this seems to make ssh connections start immediately every time. I’d like to figure out what the actual problem is, but this will do.

Copyright © 2024 Timm Murray

Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.