Device::WebIO::RaspberryPi 0.900, now with AnyEvent and RPi::WiringPi backend
Device::WebIO::RaspberryPi 0.900 has been released. The big changes are to change the backend from HiPi to RPi::WiringPi, as well as put in a new input event system based on AnyEvent. There’s also some slight updates to interrupt handling in Device::WebIO in version 0.022 to support this.
It works by having a condvar with a subref. You can get the pin number and its value out of $cv->recv
use v5.14;
use Device::WebIO;
use Device::WebIO::RaspberryPi;
use AnyEvent;
use constant INPUT_PIN => 2;
my $rpi = Device::WebIO::RaspberryPi->new;
my $webio = Device::WebIO->new;
$webio->register( 'rpi', $rpi );
my $input_cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
$input_cv->cb( sub {
my ($cv) = @_;
my ($pin, $setting) = $cv->recv;
say "Pin $pin set to $setting";
$webio->set_anyevent_condvar( 'rpi', INPUT_PIN, $input_cv );
say "Waiting for input";
my $cv = AE::cv;
This is one part of a series of updates to support an upcoming Device::WebIO::MQTT. The original versions of the Device::WebIO family were meant to an HTTP interface (like the one in Device::WebIO::Dancer). Where HTTP pulls data, MQTT is push. The new AnyEvent system should integrate easily with AnyEvent::MQTT.
MQTT is also part of our stretch goals for the Raspberry Pi Perl eBook. Don’t worry though–I’ll be working on Device::WebIO::MQTT regardless of the funding level on the book.